Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Poetry reading: A PLACE OF CONTRAST

[Performed at #offstageamsterdam at Vondelbunker, 15.09.2018]

This is the place
Where hearts reunite
And others are torn apart.
Here searching
While others wave adieu
For a face in the mass
Finally when eyes meet
Through the thick window glass.
But others will turn the corner
Their smile is so bright
Clutching to one last sight.
A place of contrast
Welcoming you with flowers
I will miss you, I murmur --
Feelings digress
Whether you are coming in
While others grow steadfast.
In those tears of joy
Our life is never on standby
Or heart-rending turmoil,
Or it is me that is flying
Because honesty
Hugs feel the same
They both exclaim.
It is always a piece of paradise
Hellos and Goodbyes
It will always sting
When someone you love is leaving.
And like the glow of fireflies,
To see you arriving.

